Sunday, May 22, 2011

Assignment 2: Fortune Cookie

 Use your talents. That's what they are intended for............
My fortune cookie that I choose was: Use your talents. That's what they are intended for... for my week 2 assignment. I used 6 different layers in these two different photo images. I took pictures of things around my house that would work just perfectly for this theme. Since my fortune was based on inner talent I choose to be creative with it and do something I thought I could never possibly do. After completing my works of picture art, it showed how much talent and creativity I truly possess within me. I added my daughter in the first picture which made the photo work out very well. I did multiple layers of the same images and played around with the curves tool bar alot. I took my original images and used the magic tool brush and also used the lasso tool bar and several other tools to make my pictures turn out the way they did. I'm very proud of my work although it was difficault and challenging. As I worked more and more on it I ended up getting the pictures the way I wanted them to be. I'm looking forward to the next project so that I can Continue to impove on my skills. This fortune cookie allowed me to do whatever with my pictures to show true talent!!

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