Monday, May 30, 2011

Week 3 Assignment: Word Play

For this weeks assignment (week 3) we were assigned to pick a vocabulary word either in a dictionary or thesauras and use the synonym and antonym as the word describing our pictures. My word that I choose to come up with synonyn and antonym was "Happiness." The synonym I choose was "blessedness," representing the top photo and the antonym I choose describing the bottom picture was "gloom."
The picture at the top was filled with pictures that represent blessedness. The bottom photo had about 10 layers and was filled with images that represent gloom, which to me, I took that word as meaning of sadness. I used about 7-8 different layers in the top picture. I used the the quick selection tool bar alot with my images. I played around with the color selection tools and the black and white. I used curves alot because I really liked how it made my images come together in my photos. I used the rotate tool bar to rotate my images to a direction that made my images stand out. I added my text and in the photos and then arched them to make them not look so plain. I scaled down my layers within the background and just had a lot of fun with learning the different tools on adobe photo shop

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