Monday, June 6, 2011

Week 4 assignment: "Surreal Landscape"

I choose to do a surreal landscape for both of my pictures on this weeks weekly assignment (week 4 project. I shot pictures around my neighborhood to complete my project on this topic of nature. I did a little bit of different stuff to these photos that I didn't do in my other previous photo assignments. I used some new tools in photoshop that I learned through exploring and playing around with the program. I added layers of pictures into the main background by using shapes and I also used the magic eraser to blend in my pictures. I continued to use the curves tool bar to change up my image colors. The first photo I placed a fence into the picture to make it and changed the color of it and I used the tool bar to change the texture to a sand type texture. I liked taking my neighbors home and placing it into another yard as if it was really suppose to be there for real. I rotated some of my layers to make them fit in better. I scaled down my items and just had fun with the assignment.  The second photo I used the black and white color tool bar to make the layers blend in better so that you could see everything. It was way too bright and colorful so I had to do a lot of readjusting to the colors to make the picture work out the way I wanted to.

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