Thursday, June 9, 2011

Week 5 assignment: Fortuna/Loteria

For this weeks assignment (week 5 Fortune/Loteria) I created two versions of a highly symbolic artwork based on the concept of Fortuna. I chose to use biblical symbols to represent the meanings to my two pieces of digital artwork. In the first picture shown above I used a cross watt knott and a picture of praying hands and I scanned in a coin that had mary and joseph holding baby jesus For the background of the first picture I used my arched built in table wall to make the images flow alot better. I used the sand grain texture and played around with the curves tool bars and changed the colors slightly. I made some image size adjustments to make it work as well. After getting feedback from my peers, I took out the text I had in the picture and moved the cross around to make the picture stand out more. 
The second photo (the bottom photo) I decided to keep my theme the same. I took a picture of my bible and scaned in my cross neckalace. I took a picture of a little girl praying and looking up as if she's looking up to the heavens as she's talking to God. I found a picture of the earth on the internet and chose to add the under the picture with my bible opened up. I distorted the images a little and used the the warp tool bar. I also used the curves tool bar, which is one of my favorite tools to use on photoshop. With feed back from my class peers I changed the texture of the little girl so that it would fow much better.
Overall with both of these pictures I wanted it to represent goodness in life through putting all your faith in God. Reading your Bible praying and understanding the cross all is Fortuna leading to happiness and eternal life with God which is good.

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